Monday 29 June 2015

Computing Focus Week - Hampstead School - Monday 29th June



Registration - An introduction to the computing focus week

Inspiring the future - Speed networking session

Specialist talk from employees  - Home Office ,Bank of America Merril Lynch and RBS 

Today, on the 29th of June 2015, the sixth form students interviewed a couple of students who took part in the speed networking session. This session was dedicated to people from a range of platforms and different working experiences to give an hour of their time to talk to the younger year 9 and 10 students who were embarking on a mental battle to maximise their confidence in ICT/Computing.

Two of the sixth form students interviewed the younger students who were eager to know about the experiences they would get in the following two years.

The Following students interviewed were:

Luis - 9.2

Luis choose Photography, Computing, French and Geography. Luis hopes to achieve solid results in his GCSE's by working hard. One of the workers he was listening and having a conversation with, with a number of students was a man named Sam. Sam is a software developer who is a creative man specialising in stock marketing, Luis has said ''he made software for stock marketing'' and continued to tell me about Sam's university experience. Sam's job also involves digital devices and software equipment.

Kaung - 9.1

Kaung has choose History, French, Computing and Economics. Kaung also hopes to thrive with good results in his GCSE's and has a growth mind-set which sparks intelligence and dedication. Kaung sat down with a woman who works on a platform for the government, a group which specialises a government collective has informed Kaung about her experiences between the English government keeping a stability between a influx of immigrants and how many people are entering and leaving the country. Her online skills have proved valuable as she has told Kaung about how she uses technology which helps the government collective manage their population easier. Kaung has said '' That without the software, it would take longer to fill out the quizzes. Online direction are important.''

Era - 9.6

Era has chosen Computing, Business, Geography and Spanish. She has also sat down with Sam who discussed programming as she was interested about the internships that Sam was telling the students about. Over all, the students enjoyed their session.

One of the other sixth form students gathered information about the banker who informed their students about the 'IT Auditing' information technology of the banking industry as she informed the students about the following points:

- What can go wrong in a system
- Fines and precautions for mistakes
- People in the industry who didn't study IT or Computing
- Meet lots of people
- Solving problems
- Not being a known traveller
- When you stop school, you never stop learning
- What to do without college qualifications
- How to apply on websites, to discover it by exploration
- Dress code/ body language
- 9am to 5pm are normal office hours

                             The big presentations!

                        Developing a campaign for Microsoft windows 10 !

 1) The first group who presented were a youthful bunch of students in the year 9 group, a presentation was illustrated by Thomas, Hamza , Junada and Ardi. Explaining exactly what Microsoft  Windows 10 was and why its so special, why its so different from the rest. Microsoft Windows 10 is a modified program, a combination of Microsoft 7 and 8 put together. Having a Microsoft worker come in to inspire their presentations, they emphasised exactly the power of Microsoft Windows 10. it allows:

- Desktop for impersonation and personalising
- You are able to have more then one windows open, having simultaneous windows open allows work efficiency
- Faster Internet browsing then ever before
- A enabled set reminder with audio input 

These 4 worked together to produce a more then satisfactory presentation, who have been praised by a team of visitors who came from outside the school.

2) The second group who presented were another enthusiastic group. They were Muntha, Bartash , Adam and Abdul. This young group also emphasised the power of Microsoft Windows 10 as they also informed the visitors with a new browser called 'Cortana' similarly to that mentioned in the first presentation. What they also mentioned was that the software could multi-task through apps and in store for every media platform for more engaging prices.

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