Monday 6 July 2015

Computing focus week - Hampstead School - Friday 3rd July

                                           The big finale 

The end is here, sadly. The week was ended with high hopes and a lot of optimism. A number of 3 boys attended the group which 

would foresee Hampstead entering competitions.  The year 8 Camden coding workshop was set up and developed by Mr. Upstone, Ms.Leiba and Ms.Daniels. The workshop was set up to develop the young minds of the students who took an interest in problem solving and to expand their mind and creativity through their own work. The wonderful sixth form team took some more images and the atmosphere was superb! 

Friday 3 July 2015

Computing focus week - Hampstead School - Thursday 2nd July


                              The big session - Computing productivity  

On a warm, and relaxed Thursday afternoon students and teachers combined formally in two sessions to help Mr. Salim and the ICT/Computing technical staff to build computers. Let me easily break it down for you. Of course, there were 2 main sessions held at the same time, during period 6.  A female computing workshop was held with Mr. Salim of course managing the session. The co-leaders were Ms. Daniels and Ms.Brown. The female students were only a minimal number of 7 girls. The program was put together to get the future woman to develop their ICT/ Computing skills if they decide to take it on as a passion and full course within their GCSE years. After putting together wire after wire, the girls had done it! Well done Ladies! Of course there had to be one flop, Ms. Daniels motherboard had burned out. Better luck next time! Both the teachers and young ladies were fantastic! Take a look at these images.

This was a enjoyable session indeed, the students were dedicated and driven by motivation. The girls worked with the excellent help and optimism from Kamal learnt to be resilient and self-reliant. The girls learnt skills such as Computer production and the components and units which put together the technology which is a such a massive part of their lives. 
Everyone worked together as a team and the teachers of course weren't far behind the students. Thursday was a special day indeed.

Mr Carruthers, Mr.Salim together with the sixth former team were a big help for the this activity. Building computers through out this week session has been a enjoyable one for the girls, as this session was designed to bring more female power into the world of Computing and ICT and this session may not have been big in numbers but the atmosphere was certainly one to be proud of. The teachers and students all collaborated and managed to create enough computers to replace everyone older version in room 304! Well done ladies.

The second session was just as spectacular as the first. A inspirational force came into Hampstead school on the 2nd of July. A former member of this school who know attends one of the best Universities in the countries. Amazing, isn't it? Iman Mirzaie , who has taken a course in computing has a session with a group of boys in the lower school and gave a brief outlining of the courses he studied and how he enjoyed. This session was also held to build inspiration for the future graduates and image of the school. Iman has continued to engage the students who take an interest in ICT/Computing through his short life at University by outlining his experiences.  What intrigued the students even more is the his benefit and personal gain through this complex experience. Iman and his colleagues have made a web application called www.Collusion.hub.

Iman has dedicated the session to how he has constructed his web application . Through simple explanation, he has done this after his course, and has described the life style and atmosphere of University as a whole. This session has helped these students to innovate their thinking for future experiences. A big well done once again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Computing focus week - Hampstead School - Wednesday 1st July

                               The big gaming development workshop !

Today was a excellent turn out! Today, on the 1st of July the gaming workshop held by my John
Carruthers had a total of 15 students from year 7,8 and 9 turn up. The atmosphere was ever so hot, by exciting as always. As Mr.Carruthers presented some game play of a new game arriving in the UK in 2016 called The Last Guardian, the students also discussed among themselves the power of technology and the impact of the gaming platform as a whole. A activity was drawn out for the group to create ideas and plan out the beginning of their own game! Today in the gaming development workshop, some of the most productive students gave Mr.Carruthers some information about a game of their genre, title and much more.

For example, a young man by the name of Hamza presented a game called 'THE NEW WORLD' and gave 3 of the most imperative bases towards his game that he was thinking of. The characters of course, the 3 protagonist are named Smithy , Jimmy and Lara. The name which I've already mentioned and the setting; New York, 2511. Hamza has continued to say that his game's narrative and unique attraction will be based through the usage CGI. ''Nuclear explosion. Whole city completely ruined. You are a survivor and you're on a hunt to find the way out as your totally lost. On the way you meet 2 more people. '' Hamza has continued his text and simply told the reader about the uniqueness of the game. Exciting isn't it? 

Another young man who has differently, but also in a creative way structured his ideas in a bullet proof plan has given Mr.Carruthers and the rest of the class a insightful reality of the Zombie based game which he has imagined. 

Peris outlined: 

- FPS/ Third person 
- Guns and melee weapons
- Varied - sized environments 
- Different game modes
- Extra add - ons for sale
- Countries / cities at war
- Money / Jeweler system
- Makeshift weaponry 
-  Multi-player 
- Extra zombies game play ( Add-on) 
- Game goes the way you choose ( Different choices) 
- Modern game based around the world
- Campaign can do with online people (Private [ invite only ] or public [anyone can join]) 
- Action / Fighting genre 

The students fantastically worked together and generated ideas based on their own will and personal point of view on gaming. Having a group of 15 young boys discuss the beauty of everyday with gaming technology, new passion for development was discovered through various game play shown ( by Mr.carruthers ) and pure idea - based discussion. Every student has enjoyed the session and has worked fantastically.


With the students either working individually or in groups of 2/3, they researched same gaming production technique by going on a website called The students created a optimistic environment and created some fantastic ideas. A big thank you to the sixth form students, Mr.Carruthers and Ms.Leiba for the workshop.

Computing Focus Week - Hampstead School - Tuesday 30th June

                     Hampstead School Focus Week - The big step forward

During the second day of the exciting and creative week, some of the students in the lower schools (Year 7,8 and 9) participated in a innovative event which allowed them to create robotic buggies. Having electrical components put together with a plastic base/platform, the students took part in a production process whilst enabling to create a solid, functioning buggie which has been made to be controlled by a remote control. Two of the students were eager to get started as the small group of them participated in a workshop which consisted independence and resilience from them. Amazingly, we had two visitors who explained the 'Scratch' program and gave the students inspiration. 

On the other hand, we all collaborated and evaluated the work shop as a group, as a number of wonderful buggies sparked brilliance between the students. Putting together buggies in a creative aspect of the Hampstead focus week and each and every student loved it.